Tag Archives: truck
Why is a Caterpillar Engine Arrangement Number Critical to Efficiency?
When researching service and/or parts information for a Caterpillar engine it is very important to include the Arrangement Number(AN) along with the Engine Serial Number (ESN). The AN is a breakdown of the different components used in your specific engine. Items such as piston group, cylinder head group, fuel system group and all other components are described in detail.
Tips to Identify and Diagnose Transmission Failure
Sounds associated with gears and bearings vary or disappear depending on the gear position selected and vehicle speed. From those sound clues, the technician may look at the transmission power flow charts to determine which gears and bearings are in operation when the sound occurs. Once the noise has been isolated, it may be time to pull the transmission out of the truck to take a look inside. This is when things get exciting.
Tire Inflation Made Easy
Keeping tires inflated to the proper pressure helps to improve tire life, fuel mileage and vehicle safety. Obviously, on a tractor and trailer there are a good number of tires to check and maintain. It takes time to check and balance the air pressure on 18 or more wheels. Thus, a tire inflation system can truly help the operator and maintenance personnel maintain uniform tire pressures with considerably less effort.
The Challenge of Noise and Vibration Diagnosis
Vehicle noises and vibration can be a big challenge for service technicians. There are several factors that will greatly help the technician to make a quick and accurate noise/vibration diagnosis. Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries can help you “fine tune” your diagnosis quickly.