• UPDATED: Featured SocialCRM FAQ – Google Reviews

    FAQs_featured_PNGThe Featured SocialCRM FAQ series shares questions that our SocialCRM support agents receive quite often from shop owners and managers. This time we answer: How does SocialCRM w/LocalSearch help me generate Google Reviews?

  • Spread Holiday Cheer & Increase Sales with These Features

    This holiday season is the perfect time for you to also show your customers gratitude for choosing your business for their automotive needs. Sending customers a special message or having a special promotion are some of the great ways to do this.

  • Blogging, Connecting to Your Customers

    How to blog for my auto repair shop - Mitchell 1 MarketingSo you’ve set up your auto repair shop’s website and created your social media profiles, but what content are you going to post to truly create value for your audience. The simple answer is to start a company blog. See all the benefits blogging could bring to your auto repair shop.

  • Your Guide to Auto Shop Marketing

    Marketing Auto Repair Shop - Mitchell 1Are you looking for new ways to bring in more business and increase your sales? Maybe you should be considering your auto repair marketing plan. Here are six areas of business to focus on to help drive customers to your automotive repair shop.

  • To Coupon or Not to Coupon?

    Deciding whether to use coupons can be a challenge for auto repair shops. On one hand you don’t want to be known only as the place to go for the “cheapest price” in town. But coupons can be very effective to market your business when used properly. Here’s how do to just that.

  • Indistinguishable From Magic

    SocialCRM Mitchell Auto Shop Marketing ServicesI will show how our SocialCRM marketing services can seem “indistinguishable from magic.” This service helps “auto-magically” create better customer communication and search engine visibility without the shop doing anything except closing customer invoices.