• Faster Truck Fixes with 1Search Plus

    After retrieving a fault code (DTC) from the truck’s diagnostic system, a technician typically needs to know some basic information about the code and the system displaying the problem. This information will  help the technician quickly and accurately arrive at a diagnosis. Learn how with the help of Mitchell 1’s 1Search Plus, you can repair trucks faster and get back on the road sooner in this blog.


  • Many Paths to the Information You Need in ProDemand

    Many Paths to the Information You Need in ProDemand Technology today offers so many different ways to communicate, from phones and text messages to email and social media. Depending on the situation, you choose different ways to communicate, and you probably prefer some methods over others. At Mitchell1, we know that like communicating, you may […]

  • Shortcut to ProDemand Modules

    Shortcut to ProDemand Modules After selecting a vehicle, ProDemand automatically navigates you to the 1Search module and displays a powerful combination of OEM and real-world repair information. The reason is the majority of lookups in ProDemand are related to repair information that is most easily accessed through the 1Search module. But sometimes you may not […]

  • Latest ProDemand Updates: Search Highlighting and Select Printing

    Latest ProDemand Updates: Search Highlighting and Select Printing Mitchell1 has added two new features that will improve your experience with navigating in ProDemand: Highlighting of 1Search term when viewing an article: After entering a term into 1Search, ProDemand now highlights that search term in the article. This saves time by clearly indicating where the search […]

  • A Quick Look Inside ProDemand

    A Quick Look Inside ProDemand When you get a new electronic device, do you read the manual first, or just start using it? I know that I, for one, always start using it right way, without reading the manual. In fact, I only read the manual if I get stuck and can’t figure out how […]