• Quick & Accurate Price Quotes with TruckSeries Estimator

    How long will my truck be out of service?  How much will it cost? Business owners and customers alike want quick, accurate answers to these commonly asked questions, especially in today’s economic market. Mitchell 1 TruckSeries is here to help! With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can create accurate repair and cost estimates that address these questions for your customers. Learn how in this short blog.

  • Getting Your Fleet Winter-Ready

    With winter now officially upon us, trucks in your fleet may be traveling on wet, snowy and icy roads. While driving in these conditions may not be the most ideal for drivers, there are steps that can be taken to ensure your fleet is properly prepared for any winter driving challenge. Learn from our own Curt Bogert on some proven tips that you can do today in this blog.

  • Keeping Cool During the Summer

    We are heading into the true heat of summer and for many that means taking trips to the beach or pool to cool off. But can the same be said about your vehicle? What about its A/C system? Taking steps to prevent downtime during the crucial summer months is imperative. Learn some great tips and how TruckSeries can help you “keep your cool” here in this blog.

  • Not All Is Gold

    Gone are the days when the technician could just tap into a hot wire to power radios and other add-on accessories. The voltages present in many circuits are less than battery voltage and power sensitive electrical components. Splicing into circuits can cause any number of other problems that can lead to failures of costly components or assemblies. But with Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries by your side you can get rid of those problems for good. Learn all about it here.

  • Maintenance Tips to Reduce Tire Wear

    In our high-tech age, it is all too easy to overlook the purely mechanical aspects of a truck that have needed to be maintained ever since some ingenious person mounted a wheel to an axle in order to move a load that was too large to be carried or dragged. With the help of our own Jake Schell, here are a few maintenance tips to help you and your fleet to reduce tire wear.

  • Optimizing with Integrated Engine Components

    The heavy truck engine compartment is a busy environment to say the least.  Much like popular cities such as San Francisco and New York, space always comes at a premium. In order to optimize all the available space in the engine compartment, OEMs have turned to integrating ancillary items with the goal of more effective use of space. In doing so, they provide other benefits as well.

  • Electrical Power Steering Repair

    Electrical Power Steering Repair EPS has been around for more than 10 years. Understanding EPS system operation will help speed up your diagnostic times. Dave Macholz/Motor Age — It’s no secret that vehicle manufacturers are under the gun these days to make their vehicles more fuel efficient. Federal mandates and consumer demand for more fuel-efficient […]

  • Honda IMA Service and Repair

    Honda IMA Service and Repair Honda’s Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) has been in production for nearly 15 years and chances are you have had some of these vehicles in your bays already. Dave Macholz/Motor Age — Entering the realm of hybrid repair can be a daunting venture for many technicians and shop owners. Servicing Honda […]

  • What's New in Hybrid Systems?

    What’s New in Hybrid Systems? OEMs continue to develop new hybrid offerings. Are you taking notice? John D. Kelly/Motor Age — What’s new in hybrid systems? The hybrid world changed in the last year because of totally new plug-in hybrid powertrain designs from Honda and Ford; other similar ones are being designed by other carmakers, […]

  • What’s New in Hybrid Systems?

    What’s New in Hybrid Systems? OEMs continue to develop new hybrid offerings. Are you taking notice? John D. Kelly/Motor Age — What’s new in hybrid systems? The hybrid world changed in the last year because of totally new plug-in hybrid powertrain designs from Honda and Ford; other similar ones are being designed by other carmakers, […]