• 2014 Engine Oil Capacities Coverage is Here

    2014 Engine Oil Capacities Coverage is Here Need the oil capacity for a 2014 vehicle? Good news – our Editorial Team has recently completed all of the 2014 oil capacity specifications. This includes information straight from the Owner’s Manual for all 2014 domestic and import vehicles.  The team is now filling in the 2015 models […]

  • 10 (or more?) Commandments for Mechanics

    10 (or more?) Commandments for Mechanics There are plenty of versions of the “10 Commandments for Mechanics” floating around the Internet. I’m sure that you’ve seen your share of them, too. We recently ran across this version of “10 Mechanic Commandments” on the Mechanic Advisor website, and thought it addresses some good advice while staying […]

  • What Pennies and Mitchell 1’s OEM Data Have in Common

    What Pennies and Mitchell 1’s OEM Data Have in Common When I first started working at Mitchell 1 almost 10 years ago, I was in awe of the amount of information the Editorial Team processes every year. In 2003, Mitchell 1 was processing 200,000 pages of information per year. We’ve come a very long way […]