Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Quick & Accurate Price Quotes with TruckSeries Estimator

How long will my truck be out of service?  How much will it cost?

Business owners and customers alike want quick, accurate answers to these commonly asked questions, especially in today’s economic market. Mitchell 1 TruckSeries is here to help! With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can create accurate repair and cost estimates that address these questions for your customers.

TruckSeries Estimator is also a valuable tool for shops and maintenance managers, as it allows them to schedule work, increase the shop’s throughput, monitor technician performances, and provide accurate repair cost estimates. Plus, it lets transportation managers know how long their trucks will be out of service.

TruckSeries helps accomplish all this by:

1- Providing repair operations and their labor times.

Figure 1

2- Providing labor times for scheduled maintenance intervals based on the vehicle’s usage.

Figure 2

3- Creating estimates for customers by listing repairs, parts and related VMRS codes, and also informing managers of the projected downtime.

4- Saving quotes for future reference. This is a wonderful feature that saves time by eliminating the need to create new estimates. Just open up a saved quote for a Year, Make and Model truck and then modify as needed.

Figure 4

5- Adding shop settings for labor and tax rates, shop supplies, hazardous material charges, header and footer information, and estimate display and print options.

Figure 5

Together, all of these features make it easier to manage assets and provide customers with accurate downtime and repair costs — thus, resulting in more business opportunities while saving customers time and headaches.

Want to learn about TruckSeries?

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