Our First Factoid Friday Winner!
Our First Factoid Friday Winner!
Thanks to everyone who submitted a guess in our first-ever Factoid Friday trivia game! The Factoid Friday game uses the iconic pieces of automotive history from the Mitchell 1 Library as the basis for trivia guessing game.
The question for June was, “What is the total weight (in pounds/ounces) of the Mazda 3 workshop manuals plus the wiring diagrams?” Guesses ranged from 6 lbs. and 7 oz. to 65 lbs. The correct answer was 36 lbs. and 8 oz. pounds. We’re happy to announce that with a guess of 35 lbs. and 8 oz., Tina Nuse of Lumberton NJ was the closest and has won a $25 Amazon gift card. Congratulations, Tina!
Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time; we’ll be doing another Factoid Friday next month. Click to read June’s Factoid Friday Mazda 3 trivia quiz.
In the meantime, visit the ProDemand blog often for helpful hints and valuable information to help you master the software and fix cars more efficiently.