Latest ProDemand Update – Probable Components
We’re pleased to let you know that this ProDemand update contains our largest set of improvements since we added the 1Search feature. All of the new features are the direct result of feedback from you, the user. Here’s what you’ll find in the latest release:
Probable Components: The display of Real Fixes has been updated to deliver a more targeted result and save you time. Real Fixes are now grouped by “Probable Component,” allowing you to see the list of components associated with the code or symptom, ranked in order from the most likely to the least likely component at fault.
You also have a “more/less” link associated with the feature, allowing you to quickly see the full list of components if you wish. If you are more interested in “rare fixes” — the ones that are not obvious, but solved the problem in some cases —you can also invert the list of probable components to show the least common fixes first, saving you even more time. You’ll see probable components in both the 1Search Results screen and the SureTrack tab.
The probable component list is a major enhancement that will help you prioritize your diagnostic strategy when investigating a code or symptom. The lists are created using information from our database of over 380 million repair orders, so you can be confident you have the most comprehensive and accurate aftermarket data on your specific vehicle.
Association of Codes, Symptoms and Components: After performing a search for a code or symptom, ProDemand will now associate your code or symptom to the most probable component based on our Real Fix data. Along with the information for the code or symptom, you will also see categorized component-level repair information under the 1Search tab headings. This feature eliminates the need for an additional lookup because in a majority of cases, the top-ranked component will be the next set of information you’d want to review.
Additionally, the categories below the 1Search tabs are now based on a hierarchy that flows from code to component to system. In the example shown below, a lookup of the DTC P0420 returns information for the most probable component, the catalytic converter. And ProDemand goes one step further and also associates the emissions and exhaust system level data so that broader-based information is available immediately to you without another lookup.
DTC Description on SureTrack Tab: Below the SureTrack information tab, you will now find the code and description (if available from the OEM). This feature is especially beneficial on the print-out, where the code is displayed across the top of your page.
Integration of all Vintage Information into ProDemand: Our entire set of vintage vehicle information is now available within the structure and format of ProDemand. Simply pick your vehicle back to 1960 using the YMM selection as you would other vehicles in ProDemand. Information can be searched using 1Search or the Service Manual module.
Mobile Quick Links and Service Manual: The 1Search Quick Links bar and the Service Manual module have been added to the mobile version of ProDemand. As a reminder, the mobile version of ProDemand is free of charge with your subscription. To use it, simply navigate to from your mobile device and follow the login procedures. The mobile version is optimized for tablets only.
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