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Is Your Tractor-Trailer Connection Safe and Secure?

Is Your Tractor-Trailer Connection Safe and Secure?

The very thought of a defective or unreliable tractor-trailer connection is enough to make truck drivers, service professionals and fleet managers shiver. Fleet Equipment Magazine recently ran an excellent article on this important topic: Making Sure Your Tractor-Trailer Connection is Safe, Secure. The article  is filled with practical, detailed information about how to ensure your fifth wheel connection is well maintained and meets all safety considerations.

Author Seth Skydel poses the question, “What should shops inspect on fifth wheels to ensure safe and reliable operation?” He then provides the answers and a wealth of helpful information from a variety of experts.

Some of the key points include:

These are just a few of the key take-aways — for full details, it’s worth a few minutes of your time to read the article here: Making Sure Your Tractor-Trailer Connection is Safe, Secure

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