Mitchell 1 ShopConnection

Here are Answers to Some SocialCRM FAQs

Here are Answers to Some SocialCRM FAQs

The SocialCRM service provides a full-service marketing solution to help aftermarket auto repair shops enhance their customer retention and acquisition efforts. As with any new service, questions can arise once shops dive in and start using all the features offered by SocialCRM.

We thought we’d share a few of the frequently asked questions that our SocialCRM support agents receive quite often from shop owners and managers. We hope these are helpful and might save you some time – and also spare you having to call in if you happen to have the same question/s.

SocialCRM FAQ’s

1. Q: Do my SureCritic reviews show up on other sites and directories online?
A: Yes, SocialCRM makes your shop’s SureCritic reviews available to other sites and directories such as CitySearch, Yellow Bot, Kudzu and many others. This is called “review syndication” and you can read more about this in the blog post, Amplify the Power of Consumer Reviews with Syndication.

2. Q: How do I share my reviews to my Google+ page or Facebook?
A: Sharing your SureCritic reviews is easy. SocialCRM gives you, and your customers, the ability to share reviews with the click of a mouse button. Using your SureCritic login credentials, you can go to your dashboard, click a review, and select the sites you’d like to share it on: Google+, Twitter or Facebook. Your customers will have those same options. Don’t worry, only positive reviews are allowed to be shared. You can read more about this in the blog post, Did You Know That You Can Share Your SureCritic Reviews on Google+?

3. Q: Does SocialCRM offer postcards?
A: Yes, SocialCRM offers a variety of customer retention and acquisition postcards because it’s not always possible to reach 100% of your customers (and potential customers) by email. Retention postcards can be added to your SocialCRM subscription at any time. Acquisition postcards are purchased “by the job” through your dedicated support agent. Prices will vary based on multiple factors, including quantity of postcards requested, postage and the customer list. You can read more about SocialCRM Postcards on the Mitchell 1 website.

If you would like further details about any of these items, or if you have other questions, please feel free to contact your SocialCRM support agent.  Click here to find your support agent’s contact info.  If you don’t have a support agent assigned yet, please call the SocialCRM support line at 888-724-6742 and follow the prompts.

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