Get Certified on ProDemand

If you want to take your knowledge of ProDemand to the next level, Mitchell 1 provides a new video-based certificate program that covers key features to help you become more proficient with the repair information software.

The training is given in a series of simple, easy-to-understand videos — each under four minutes in length — that cover all of the software features of ProDemand. After watching the videos you’ll be presented with a short quiz to validate your understanding of the content and test your proficiency.

As with any software, taking the time to go through the instructions can pay off by saving you time as you learn to use the information system more efficiently. The process is simple.

  • Navigate to . This page is part of the ProDemand Get2Know online training and support center. If you aren’t familiar, the support center has many resources to help you learn ProDemand, including a Getting Started Guide, online training videos and links to live training.
  • Watch the set of ProDemand training videos. As you watch the videos, we encourage you to take notes and also navigate through ProDemand along with the video to make sure you retain the information.
  • After each video, take and pass the quiz to receive your certification. Many of the questions on the quiz will allow you to navigate to the information using ProDemand, so this exercise is more about doing than memorizing. In the process, you’ll discover a new level of proficiency that will help you find what you need and quickly get back under the hood to complete the repair.

Taking the ProDemand quizzes and getting your certificate is a great way to master the many features in ProDemand while also increasing your skill at finding information in the product. This video training definitely has a great ROI. The efficiency you gain will more than make up for the time you spend watching and taking the quizzes.

About the Author

Gary Hixson

Gary Hixson is a Sr. Market Manager at Mitchell 1, and is responsible for product and market management of the Repair Information product line. Most recently he managed the release of ProDemand™, the industry-leading repair, diagnostic and maintenance information system.