Cranking Out More TMC SuperTech 2017 Contenders
Still going strong, with only a few competitions left, professional commercial vehicle technicians are still making their way out to their state competitions to battle for a spot in the TMC SuperTech National Technician Skills Competition coming this September.
Although we are still busy sponsoring and setting up service information skills stations with our TruckSeries web-based truck repair information software, we would like to take the time to share some photos and recognize a few state station and champion winners who shined recently.

John Winstead
Bryan Seaton has represented well so far this year for Walmart Transportation. At the Tennessee Trucking Association Technician Skills Competition, he not only was the winner of the service repair portion of testing (administered by Mitchell 1) with a score of 75, but he also was the Grand Champion of the whole Tennessee competition with the highest amount of points overall. This will get Bryan a direct ticket to Orlando, FL this September.
Although service repair information test results are not quite out for the North Carolina Trucking Association’s NC Top Tech Challenge, the Pro Champion who automatically has a place at TMC SuperTech is John Winstead. Working for Old Dominion, John is a 28-year-old who has already placed 19th in a previous TMC Super Tech competition.
Coming out of the Utah Trucking Assoication’s 2017 SuperTech Challenge is Matt Bar. He took the lead in the service information skills station part of the test, making his company, Smith Power Products, proud. This is his second year competing, and with a score of 80, he is sure going to be a force to reckon with.
With the preliminaries almost coming to a close, we can’t wait till September 16th rolls around to see who has become the ultimate master of TruckSeries repair information!
Jake Womble – North Carolina Winner
North Carolina Top Tech Group
Tennessee Showroom floor
Tennessee Testing
Utah Show – Contestants
Utah Show
Utah Show – TruckSeries Repair Information Station
Maverik truck at Utah show
North Carolina – Mitchell 1 TruckSeries Information Repair Station Testing
Tennessee Contestants Testing with TruckSeries
Further Information
2017 TMC SuperTech Competition & Fall Meeting Schedule