Coolant Testing – The Trainer Video Series
Coolant Testing – The Trainer Video Series
Motor Age — Engine coolant formulations today come in every color of the rainbow. The coolant in your customer’s car may be a conventional formulation, an Organic Acid Technology coolant or a Hybrid Organic Acid Technology type. Each of the three has different routine replacement interval recommendations, but ALL three need to be replaced when their glycol base shows signs of degradation. And degradation can occur long before those mileage/time intervals are reached! The resulting acids can quickly attack the cooling system components and seals, and that means expensive repairs you could have helped your customer avoid.
Testing the condition of your customer’s coolant should be done at least annually and corrective action taken based on those results. In this edition of The Trainer, we’ll show you how.
Click here for more videos in Motor Age’s “The Trainer” monthly video series.
Source: Motor Age