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Claim your Google+ Local page!

Claim your Google+ Local page!

Unless you’ve been on a deserted island this last decade, it should be common knowledge that Google is the number one Search Engine in the world. Google is one of the primary ways consumers find businesses when they need a product or service. The days of “letting your fingers do the walking” through the Yellow Pages book are definitely way behind us.

With that said, as a business owner, it’s important to make sure your business can easily be found by consumers on Google & Google+ Local (also called Google Local). Creating a great listing through Google+ Local takes just a few minutes and has great benefits. And did I mention it’s free?

Once you’ve claimed your page, you can add extras like business photos and videos (highly recommended) with descriptions if you have them handy. Use the Google+ Local tools and features to the fullest to enhance your local web ranking and visibility. With increased local visibility you can expect to increase the likelihood that new customers will find your business instead of your competition.

There are also excellent back-linking opportunities from Google+ Local. You can add your website URL to create a connection from your Google site to your business website. This gives new customers direct access to your website and boosts your brand recognition.

The bottom line is that claiming your Google+ Local page has huge benefits for you (the owner), your business, and your brand. So, now that you understand the benefits, take 15 minutes and claim your Google+ Local page! To get started go to

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