Did You Know?
When the Sun Comes Out . . . Check the Brakes
The problems associated with driving through standing or running water have the potential to wreak havoc with any brake system. Read this blog post to learn about how to avoid problems that may be left over from the heavy spring rains this year.
Sharing Scan Tools – How Many Do You Need?
Does your shop have enough scan tools? The odds are that your techs will need access to the scan tool to not only check for potential codes but also to continue the diagnosis and any potential reset procedures.
Today’s trucks require a fully charged battery to power the engine along with all the added accessories. Let’s take a look at what is required to correctly charge a battery.
How to Maximize Technician Resources at a Time of Tight Supply
In a tight labor market, when it’s a challenge to find and keep quality commercial vehicle technicians, anyone responsible for maintaining these vehicles must maximize the resources available.
Diesel Exhaust Fluid FAQs
During cold months, it’s not uncommon for a truck’s diesel exhaust fluid to freeze. These FAQs cover the most common questions that truck owners have when it comes to frozen DEF.
Technician’s Training Tip – Greasing the Clutch
Not long ago, a friend and I were reminiscing about maintenance issues we had encountered when we were working as truck techs. He brought up how during regular maintenance some of the mechanics would miss lubricating the clutch cross-shaft and throw-out bearing.
TPMS vs. Mother Nature
As we headed down the road, my TPMS light came on. As the outside temperature had dropped about 40 degrees from our start, I knew the light was the result of a decrease in temperature.