
  • How to Avoid Unexpected ‘No Crank’ Events

    You open the door, hop onto the seat, insert the key and turn it only to be welcomed with a “NO CRANK”. The fix may be easy and you could be back on the road quickly or it could mean your truck’s sidelined for quite some time. But with Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries, preventing such events from happening is best way to keep your trucks on the road running smoothly!


    A major cost of operating a fleet of trucks on the road daily is the cost of tires. Along with a good maintenance program that includes wheel balancing and tire rotation it is always a good idea to follow OEM recommendations for a Front End Alignment. Learn how Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries can help you master those alignment basics and get your trucks running smooth in this blog.

  • GM Graphic Colors & Symbols

    These days many OEMs use colors in their graphics to describe repair procedures. They provide a simple universal description for procedures to follow when making repairs. Arrows and symbols are also used and provide additional repair or procedural instructions. Let’s take a quick look at some of these graphics from General Motors available in TruckSeries.

  • Maintenance Tips to Reduce Tire Wear

    In our high-tech age, it is all too easy to overlook the purely mechanical aspects of a truck that have needed to be maintained ever since some ingenious person mounted a wheel to an axle in order to move a load that was too large to be carried or dragged. With the help of our own Jake Schell, here are a few maintenance tips to help you and your fleet to reduce tire wear.

  • Optimizing with Integrated Engine Components

    The heavy truck engine compartment is a busy environment to say the least.  Much like popular cities such as San Francisco and New York, space always comes at a premium. In order to optimize all the available space in the engine compartment, OEMs have turned to integrating ancillary items with the goal of more effective use of space. In doing so, they provide other benefits as well.

  • Tips for Hydraulic Brake Maintenance

    The winter months bring some challenging conditions for commercial trucks. Snow, rain and mud seem to get into everything, particularly the brakes. All that wet muck tends to find its way into the wheel brake assemblies, adding a nice layer of grinding material and creating less-than-ideal operating conditions. But honestly, brakes have challenges all year round. See how Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries can help you maintain your commercial fleet’s brakes and keep your trucks running all year!

  • Rubber on the Road

    Driving down the road at some point all of us have noticed the large and small chunks of tire rubber on the country’s highway’s and byway’s. Most technicians know these road hazards can be attributed to Big-Rig trailer tires that have failed and separated; most like due to low tire pressure or improper re-treading. These faulty repairs can cause accidents due to swerving, and hundreds of thousands of dollars worldwide in property damage to vehicles and infrastructure.

  • Don’t Overlook Those Vital Incidentals

    It’s no surprise that there are many variations when it comes to truck maintenance schedules. The operating conditions for the individual vehicles or the fleet vehicles in general, help to determine what systems need to be serviced and when. In addition, the truck service information source will point out specific components that need to be checked, lubricated, cleaned, or replaced during those services. See how Mitchell 1’s TruckSeries can help you stay on top of those vital maintenances.

  • Best of the Blogs – 2020 Truck Repair Information “Did You Knows”

    Our truck repair experts at Mitchell 1 — were very busy last year. In addition to working hard on improving the medium- to heavy-duty truck repair software and getting repair information documented in a timely manner, they also shared their knowledge here in the ShopConnection blog.. Here we collected a few of the pearls of wisdom that our experts have written this past year— all of which we hope you find help you get to your fix faster!