Active Recall info for Fiat Chrysler vehicles added to Manager SE!

Click the Open Recalls button to get instant recall notifications – and help keep motorists safe

We know that our community of Manager SE users want to keep their customers safe on the road. Letting your customers know when they have an active (unperformed) recall on their vehicle is a great new way Mitchell 1 can help you deliver on this!

As many of you are aware, Mitchell 1partnered with Toyota Motor Company over a year ago to advise Manager SE users when a Toyota, Lexus or Scion vehicle shows up in the shop with an active (unperformed) recall available for it. We are now expanding active recall coverage to include Fiat Chrysler Automobiles North America (FCA) vehicles (Fiat, Chrysler, RAM, Jeep, Dodge).

Starting with 7.2.x versions of Manager SE, we indicate this status on the Order screen with the Open Recalls button.

The Open Recalls button turns red when there are active recalls on the selected vehicle.

Show You Care about Safety

Toyota has been extremely pleased with the results of the program and your efforts to educate your customers who own Toyota vehicles. By now, most of you have received an information package from Toyota that includes handouts to pass along to your customers who have recalls identified, to help them understand the importance of getting these recalls performed. This is all provided at no charge to you. We’re proud to be partnering with the vehicle manufacturers to help keep drivers safe.

We have heard from many of you that this feature strengthens your relationship with your customers. Many of you even take the vehicle to the dealership on your customer’s behalf so they still maintain their “one-stop-shopping” experience with you. However this is handled, taking the time to educate and encourage them to have these services completed shows you care, as many times there are potential safety issues. In the process, you build their trust in your ability to help keep their vehicles properly maintained.

Expanding to FCA with a Pilot Program

The program has been so successful that FCA expressed interest and we have had 45 shops on a pilot test with them for a few months. For the month of January 2018, they want us to enable ALL our shops to have this service, as we jointly evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

If this program is successful (we count success by the number of times an active Open Recall button is clicked) there’s a strong chance FCA will make this a permanent feature in the software. We also have several other vehicle manufacturers watching the results and ready to add their makes to our service if they feel we’re effectively communicating the message.

What does this mean?

If you have Manager SE version or higher, your system will be enabled to “light up” the Open Recalls button when you have a decoded 17 digit valid VIN and the system identifies this as an FCA or Toyota, Lexus or Scion vehicle with unperformed recalls.

Once the Open Recalls button is clicked, recall information can be copied and pasted as a note in your repair order, or simply printed and left in the vehicle/handed to the customer so they are reminded to get it done.

NEW: With Manager SE 7.2.9 you can now be alerted to the presence of any open recall notices in the WIP screen:

You can quickly see the number of active recalls present.

If your WIP screen begins populating the Recalls column, you can open the repair order from this screen to then select the Open Recalls button and print/view/paste this valuable information as you see fit!

Quickly copy and paste the recall information as needed.

This is a rare opportunity for the aftermarket to show we can partner in the overall repair and maintenance of all motor vehicles with the vehicle manufacturer for the end result of a safer, satisfied, confident customer.  I encourage you all to take advantage of this feature while it is available!

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About the Author

Tim McDonnell

Tim McDonnell first joined Mitchell 1 in 1985 and is a senior product marketing manager for Manager SE. He has experience with various Mitchell 1 products and is the company’s primary media developer for product training assets and a subject matter expert in shop management software and other Mitchell 1 products. He also served as the Vice-Chair of the AMI Board of Trustees from 2009-2015. He is also the “voice of Mitchell 1” – you’ll hear him on the recorded message when you call the Mitchell 1 office.