A Tale of Two Logins
A Tale of Two Logins
Why you want separate logins for ProDemand™ and SureTrack™
One of the questions we often get is, “Why do I have to log in to SureTrack after I’ve already logged into ProDemand?” We know your lives are already loaded up with too many usernames and passwords to possibly remember, but there are good reasons we require this.
Even though ProDemand and SureTrack are connected, consider them different types of tools. Think of ProDemand as a part of the shop like the bay or the lift. All of the techs will use it throughout the day and one login works for everybody. For SureTrack, we want you to have a more individual experience, so when you log into SureTrack as a technician, it becomes a more personal tool. You’re joining a community with thousands of other techs who are there to help each other out with those difficult vehicles.
While you can use SureTrack through ProDemand without logging in, in order to fully participate in the community you will use your individual technician account. This allows other members to know who you are and the SureTrack system can also communicate with you, such as notifying you when someone responds to one of your questions. Also, as you build your community reputation, other members will begin to look forward to your input when they have a difficult vehicle situation.
Join the expert community.
The next step is deciding you want to be one of the SureTrack Experts for particular vehicles. When you sign up to be a SureTrack Expert, you select the vehicles that you feel you are the most knowlegeable about, and then when another tech asks a question on one of these vehicles, you’ll get an e-mail notification. If you have ideas to help them, you can easily reply and continue to build your reputation. We even have a points system that gives other members an idea of how much you participate in the community.
So while it might be a little extra work to setup your SureTrack login, it’s a worthwhile step in building your SureTrack identity and reputation, and will be a valuable tool in your toolbox.
NOTE: | You can create multiple SureTrack user accounts but it is limited to the number of user licenses you have purchased for ProDemand. To create additional SureTrack users, log out of SureTrack, close the window and then start it up again from ProDemand. |