AKRON , OH- When it comes to news coverage about employment issues in the automotive industry, we typically hear of plant layoffs or the much talked about technician shortage. With all the negative press these days, we thought it might be time to focus on something a bit more positive. We asked a repair shop owner, a part store manager and an HR director for an aftermarket software company: What channels does your company use to attract and retain the best and brightest young professionals?

Here’s what they had to say:

Kevan Butler , director of HR, Mitchell 1: Mitchell 1 has a very successful referral reward program. This means that employees and customers can refer candidates and receive a referral reward. We have also found great success in not only posting open positions online with the major recruitment sites, but we also have the capability to search for resumes on some of the major online databases. This search capability enables us to search by a wide variety of variables so we can pinpoint a specific skill set, background, location, etc.

Retention of the best and the brightest is always a challenge in this day and age. If compensation and benefits are competitive, then the best way to retain your brightest employees is to provide them with challenging projects and give them a clear career path for future growth […]

Visit AfterMarketNews.com for complete story.

About the Author

Jill Schafer

Jill Schafer is the Marketing Communication Manager at Mitchell 1 and has over 20 years of marketing experience with high-technology organizations, including over 10 years in the automotive information industry.