Mitchell 1 has added a Parts Ordering Information section to its Web site under the heading Program Distribution Group. With connections to the leading aftermarket parts distributors, professional technicians can connect with their current supplier of choice with the simple click of a mouse.
“From invoicing to inventory control, Mitchell 1’s Manager/ManagerPlus software with integrated parts ordering puts professional technicians in total control of their workflow.” said Dan Kelley, director of strategic partnerships for Mitchell 1. “And, with over 200 accounting, management, marketing, inventory and sales reports, they’ll have the tools and information they need to grow their business.”
There are many benefits to ordering parts electronically. It will increase a shops productivity, efficiency and profits, service writers will spend less time on the phone ordering parts and confirming deliveries, and there will be fewer mistakes when the parts are ordered directly. Electronic part catalogs also offer the ability to see a picture of the part and technical specifications specific to the part before ordering in most cases to further ensure the proper part is being ordered. For Mitchell 1 ManagerPlus customers, ordering parts electronically also gives the ability to automatically reorder stocking parts without picking up the phone.
Integrated parts ordering is included with all of the current versions of Mitchell 1 Manager/ManagerPlus software, but to get the latest features of the ordering system, Version 5.9 is needed.
For additional information, visit, contact Dan Kelley at 888.724.6742 x6885 or