Get the #1 Shop Management Software Working For You

Streamline workflow and track shop activity from estimate to invoice with Manager SE®, the industry-leading shop management solution packed with powerful features that help you manage your business, repairs and customer service more efficiently.

Product Highlights

NEW! Job View: This powerful new feature in Manager SE v9.1 brings improved clarity and organization to estimates and invoices. Job View groups related labor tasks and parts into easy-to-read job containers, streamlining presentation for both shop staff and customers. With Job View, users can effortlessly manage deferred work by converting any grouped job container items into “canned jobs.” They can also move deferred jobs with a single click to a dedicated sub-estimate tab, and check profitability of individual jobs to ensure targets are met. Download product sheet to learn more.

Time Management: Our innovative Time Management tool provides full visibility into technicians’ clocked hours, tracking the actual hours spent on each labor item and automatically producing productivity statistics. An optional employee Shift Clock tracks employee hours, enabling staff to clock in/out for work shifts on their mobile devices. Time management details are presented in a secure, intuitive dashboard. Read more in this blog post: Time Manager Brings Tools for Managers & Technicians

Shop Reports: Shop owners want to track how the shop day is progressing while they are away. Now they can, using the new Shop Reports feature. These reports can be viewed with filters (date range, tech name, etc.) through their ProDemand® repair information screen in an internet browser.

Service Writer Tools: Manager SE displays crucial, on-demand information about your customer’s entire history in a single window. At a glance, the Customer Snapshot confirms the client’s last visit date, lifetime dollars spent, number of invoices, credit status, and history of repairs at your shop. Manager SE also alerts you about repair recommendations so you never “forget” any of these pre-qualified sales opportunities.

Fast and Accurate Estimating: User-friendly, integrated parts and labor estimating tools are supplied by the ProDemand repair information system as part of Teamworks (see options below). Canned Jobs and Part Kits also serve to accelerate your estimating process. The Symptoms tab provides a menu of services to quickly get estimates started and customers on their way.

Plate to VIN Decoding: Get vital information quicker by entering a vehicle license plate then clicking Lookup. Manager SE displays the vehicle’s VIN code, along with year, make, model, engine type and other potential vehicle attributes so you can look up repair info or order parts quickly with confidence.

Electronic Parts Catalogs: Manager SE includes the industry’s widest collection of aftermarket parts catalogs that include specialty parts and tires. Quickly check inventory (stores/warehouse) with up-to-the-minute pricing to create estimates and order parts after you obtain customer approval.

Multi-Vendor Part Catalogs: Manager SE now supports new catalog options that can display multiple parts vendors in a customizable view. With PartsTech or Nexpart Multi-Seller, you’ll save significant time locating and ordering parts for your customers. Manager SE automatically generates a purchase order for every part purchased (even from different suppliers) electronically through the system.

Marketing Data: Manager SE lets you know where your customers come from by tracking the initial source that resulted in a customer invoice (coupon, website, etc.), sales connected to current advertising campaigns (radio spot, etc.), and referrals from your existing customers.

Data Protection: Don’t worry about losing important information if a computer fails. Manager SE automatically backs up all of your data to a secure remote location. In the event of a disaster, we can have you back in business the same day.

Optional Add-ons

You can get even more out of your Manager SE auto shop management software with add-on features and services that deliver even more outstanding benefits.

TeamWorks: This package seamlessly integrates Mitchell 1’s auto shop management, repair information and estimating software systems. The unbeatable combination of Manager SE / ProDemand products work together to optimize every aspect of your business.

ProSpect: Greet customers and start inspections at the vehicle using your own mobile devices. Add notes and photos to inspections, which are recorded in the Manager SE database.

MessageCenter: Get customer approvals faster with two-way text messaging directly from your Manager SE console. Texting templates help shops save time and look professional.

Accounting Link: This interface synchronizes Manager SE sales data (invoices, payments, closed Purchase Orders, etc.) directly to your shop’s accounting package. This feature is among the most popular applications in Manager SE.

XCharge: Simplifies payment processing from credit and debit cards in Manager SE. It features a card swiper that enters authorizations as well as a Credit Card Reconciliation report function.

1st Mile: The smart, electronic payment processing solution is integrated with Manager SE with a flat monthly fee. It also accepts fleet or chain credit cards, gift cards, and a financing option.

SocialCRM: Provides powerful marketing and engagement tools for customer acquisition and retention. The service includes verified consumer reviews, automated text and email campaigns, and targeted promotions with personalized support from a dedicated marketing consultant. Premium features include a professional business website, automated blog content, Google ReScore, website tracking and much more.

Mobile ManagerPro:  This fully-loaded mobile shop management suite does everything Manager SE can do, plus includes additional features such as digital signature capture. Powered by a ProPack subscription, this pre-configured tablet saves time, printing costs and helps you stay connected with customers.

ProPack: Provides a suite of tools that will take your customer communications and shop management to the next level. Among its features, ReportPro offers unique reports that augment those in Manager SE. It also includes options to customize a shop’s invoice layout, such as adding your logo, QR code with your customer’s next scheduled service date, and even coupons for special discounts.

Manager™ SE FAQs

What is Manager SE?

Manager™ SE is the industry-leading shop management system software that helps mechanical shops streamline workflow and track activity from estimate to invoice. The tools and reports in Manager SE give shops a 360-degree view of the entire operation, helping them manage repairs, customer service and the overall business more efficiently and profitably. Manager SE is integrated with ProDemand®, Mitchell 1’s comprehensive repair information system, to further increase shop productivity.

What does Manager SE do?

Manager SE combines many of the shop management activities into one interface, so shops can streamline their processes and increase efficiency. Some of the features available include: repair order management, appointment scheduling and calendar, parts ordering and purchase orders, technician assignments and worksheets, canned jobs service writer tools, customer and vehicle history, vehicle service recommendations, multi-point inspections, repair estimates, plate-to-VIN, symptom wizard, detailed business reporting, data protection, interactive management forum resource and integration with ProDemand repair information and SocialCRM marketing services.

Why Do I Need Automotive Shop Management?

Software that helps you manage your auto shop business operations is crucial for maximizing your effectiveness. Beyond the actual repairs, there are many moving parts involved in running an auto repair business: estimating, repair orders, parts orders, inspections, accounting, scheduling, customer interactions, and a whole lot of documentation… just to name a few.

Why Choose Manager SE?

Mitchell 1’s comprehensive shop management software solution, Manager™ SE, can help you manage all aspects of your auto repair business. Core features include fast and accurate estimates, electronic parts ordering, point-and-click appointment scheduling, customer engagement tools, and powerful integrated business reports. Mitchell 1 also offers powerful add-on options for integration accounting, payment processing, digital vehicle inspections, text messaging and more.